
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bookworm Wednesday: The Power of One

I've been recommending some fun, easier reads lately, but if you are looking for a great, deep novel, pick up The Power of One.

The Power of One

Honestly, one of the best books I've ever read. There is a reason it's called "The classic novel of South Africa." It's inspiring and makes you feel you can do anything and I LOVED the main character so much. At the same time, it's an intricate, well crafted, dedicated story. As with most classics, it's not an "easy" read. In fact, it took me about 150 pages to really be hooked, but it was more than worth it. Just a warning, there is some hard stuff that happens to this little boy, so if you are a sensitive reader, it might be too much for you (but it's oh so important) and there is some language throughout the book, but nothing gratuitous. If you read it, there is some history in the back I wish I would have read first and a glossary I wish I would have known about. If you have a book club that doesn't mind a heavy read, this is a GREAT one. If you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts. summary: Set in a world torn apart, where man enslaves his fellow man and freedom remains elusive, The Power of One is the moving story of one young man's search for the love that binds friends, the passion that binds lovers, and the realization that it takes only one to change the world. A weak and friendless boy growing up in South Africa during World War II, Peekay turns to two older men, one black and one white, to show him how to find the courage to dream, to succeed, to triumph over a world when all seems lost, and to inspire him to summon up the most irresistible force of all: the Power of One


  1. Jeff and I watched the 1992 movie of this a few months ago and I'm glad to know the book is worth reading. The movie had some hard stuff in it, too, but I really enjoyed it.

  2. I watched the movie years ago & was amazed at how many emotions it ran - I absolutely fell in love with Morgan Freeman as an actor with the film. I had forgotten it was first a book (duh!), so I'll have to get it because I loved the story. I wouldn't say I enjoy reading some of the horrific parts of African history, however there a few books that I have read that have left lasting impressions, which I think you'd also enjoy...and perhaps you have already read them. 'God Grew Tired of Us' (about the Lost Boys of Sudan)& Left to Tell by Immaculée Ilibagiza - her story was very hard to read at points (actually almost the entire thing), yet she is a powerful storyteller and there was much I learned from the book.
